
Selected only


  1. Bie_2023_THEMIS.webp
    Multimodal analysis of cell-free DNA whole-methylome sequencing for cancer detection and localization
    F Bie , Z Wang , Li Y. , and 22 more authors
    Nature Communications, 2023
  2. Huang_2023_Fig1_eGADA_vs_GADA.png
    eGADA: enhanced Genomic Alteration Detection Algorithm, a fast Sparse-Bayesian-Learning based genomic segmentation algorithm
    bioRxiv, 2023
  3. Fan_2023_F7.large.jpg
    Performance comparison of Accucopy, Sequenza, and ControlFreeC
    X Fan , and YS Huang
    bioRxiv, 2023


  1. Deffini
    Deffini: A family-specific deep neural network model for structure-based virtual screening
    D Zhou , F Liu , Y Zheng , and 3 more authors
    Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2022
  2. UMI_ctDNA
    Processing UMI Datasets at High Accuracy and Efficiency with the Sentieon ctDNA Analysis Pipeline
    J Hu , C Jiang , YS Huang, and 7 more authors
    bioRxiv, 2022


  1. Accucopy
    Accucopy: Accurate and Fast Inference of Allele-specific Copy Number Alterations from Low-coverage Low-purity Tumor Sequencing Data
    X Fan , G Luo , and YS Huang
    BMC Bioinformatics, 2021


  1. Accurity
    Accurity: accurate tumor purity and ploidy inference from tumor-normal WGS data by jointly modelling somatic copy number alterations and heterozygous germline single-nucleotide-variants
    Z Luo , X Fan , and YS Huang
    Bioinformatics, 2018


  1. VervetMonkeys
    Sequencing strategies and characterization of 721 vervet monkey genomes for future genetic analyses of medically relevant traits.
    YS Huang, V Ramensky , SK Service , and 15 more authors
    BMC Biology, 2015


    Analysis and visualization of Arabidopsis thaliana GWAS using web 2.0 technologies
    YS Huang, M Horton , BJ Vilhjálmsson , and 7 more authors
    Database, 2011


  1. Thaliana_GWAS
    Genome-wide association study of 107 phenotypes in a common set of Arabidopsis thaliana inbred lines
    S Atwell , YS Huang, BJ Vilhjálmsson , and 33 more authors
    Nature, 2010


  1. NetworkAnnot
    Systematic discovery of functional modules and context-specific functional annotation of human genome
    YS Huang, H Li , H Hu , and 4 more authors
    Bioinformatics, 2007